QField (formerly known as QGIS Mobile) is a touch optimized interface for field work developed by OPENGIS.ch. It is with great pleasure the we want to share with you the demo video of version 0.2.
Since the project is going to be one of our core projects, we set up a dedicated page here.
The QGIS mobile 0.2 video demonstrates some basic functionality like navigation, feature identification and attribute editing.
The performance is affected by android’s video recording software. In reality animaitons look fluent and the interface feels snappy.
Demo performed on a Galaxy Note 8.0 with Android 4.4.4 (CM11).
QField 3.5 “Fangorn”: Background tracking a reality!
Track positions in the background, even when your device is locked, for more efficient fieldwork. Enjoy seamless WebDAV folder integration, grid decorations, improved QFieldCloud downloads, and new plugin enhancements, that allow for example OpenStreetMap search integration or AI prompting. Big thanks to our sponsors—this release is a game-changer! 🚀
Luca Ugo · 2015-01-12 at 08:24
Marvellous! Can you add the ability to detect current GPS position?
Matthias Kuhn · 2015-01-12 at 11:03
This is very high on our priority list.
For navigation purpose and for digitizing purpose.
kaeptn · 2015-01-12 at 11:01
As long as QGIS mobile is closely related to QGIS I think the name is appropriate -> its helpful tu users to know about connections of projects. And you’ll probably profit from qgis positive reputation.
If you have rewritten vast parts of the code, then maybe a new name would be better?
Luca Ugo · 2015-01-12 at 11:36
Does this app connect to a QGIS Server?
Matthias Kuhn · 2015-01-12 at 11:56
Yes. It supports the WMS standard and therfore can be connected to QGIS Server.
Luca Ugo · 2015-01-12 at 13:20
How can you pass the remote QGS project file to this app?
Matthias Kuhn · 2015-01-12 at 13:38
QGIS Server does not support access via a remote .qgs project file. QGIS Server is configured with a .qgs project file and then exposes layers via services.
Lukaku · 2015-01-12 at 13:24
Will it be possible to add/use Python-scripts (using ui-file)?
Matthias Kuhn · 2015-01-12 at 13:34
This project builds on QML an alternative to widgets optimized for touch interfaces.
Python will be possible at some point. QML itself already allows quite a bit of scripting though so it is not the first order of business.
UI files are part of Qts widget system and therefore not supported. If there’s demand we may however introduce similar possibilities using QML.
warrieka · 2015-01-12 at 16:24
Some of simple extension api like Python or QML-javascript would be useful to bring in your own user needs or business processes. But obviously you need to get the core functionality working first.
Good luck guys
Alex · 2015-01-26 at 20:49
Lee Pinney · 2015-01-30 at 09:40
Hi, will QGIS Mobile support QGIS relations for 1:Many joins?
Matthias Kuhn · 2015-01-30 at 09:52
This is definitely in the pipeline and we have some ideas on how an implementation will look. If you are interested, please contact us by mail.
Tyler Veinot · 2015-04-30 at 16:18
A few questions; What tablet specs would be optimal to purchase to test the demo, leave feedback, and if we really like it, maybe donate something?
Matthias Kuhn · 2015-04-30 at 16:46
We have assembled a list of devices which have been reported to work. Just pick any of these which meets your requirements.
QGIS Mobile 0.2 Demo | Geo-How-To News · 2015-01-12 at 14:23
[…] https://www.opengis.ch/2015/01/11/qgis-mobile-0-2-demo/ […]