After implementing GPS support for QGIS on Android I’ve implemented a plugin that reads the internal compass readings and shows the value in a small dock widget.
All theese new features are available in the master-alpha4 version and the nightly.
Hope you enjoy
QField 3.5 “Fangorn”: Background tracking a reality!
Track positions in the background, even when your device is locked, for more efficient fieldwork. Enjoy seamless WebDAV folder integration, grid decorations, improved QFieldCloud downloads, and new plugin enhancements, that allow for example OpenStreetMap search integration or AI prompting. Big thanks to our sponsors—this release is a game-changer! 🚀
Juan · 2012-02-01 at 01:15
I’m downloading it, and I’ll try it on lg-e510f, i thing it is a small device, but i wil give it a try
Juan · 2012-02-02 at 03:44
it works, but as i said, the device en too small for the app, and it can’t be resized to fit the screen, i will try to loadup some shpfiles