So, it is over, after 3 months working on QGIS for android as a Google Summer of code project it is now time to wrap up what I did and didn’t do.
First of all a QGIS android app exists now and it has many features including:
– reading/writing projects
– raster support
– spatialite support
– wms support
– (apparent – untested) wfs and postgress support
– partial shape files support (string attributes still chrash the app)
– Fully functional gui (SymbologyV2 doesnt work yet)
– (all?) core C++ plugins beside globe (any takers? 😉
Further more I created a series of build scripts that make it easier to set up a dev environement.
Unfortunately I didnt manage to implement live GPS tracking and a larger gui optimisation, but all in all I’m very happy with the results and seeing that few peoples are already testing it. Soon ill publish a video.
QField 3.5 “Fangorn”: Background tracking a reality!
Track positions in the background, even when your device is locked, for more efficient fieldwork. Enjoy seamless WebDAV folder integration, grid decorations, improved QFieldCloud downloads, and new plugin enhancements, that allow for example OpenStreetMap search integration or AI prompting. Big thanks to our sponsors—this release is a game-changer! 🚀
Henrikb · 2011-08-24 at 09:59
Wonderful! But still blocks instead of text on my Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1. 🙂
marco · 2011-08-24 at 10:01
I’ll look into it maybe today. it is hard to fix since I cant reproduce the error. any further info you can give me at would be great.
Blammo · 2011-08-24 at 16:15
Any plans to get running on Android 3.1 (Honeycomb).
marco · 2011-08-24 at 16:18
It should work, I tested it on 3.2 and it performs well. 2.3 is the minimal API needed
Blammo · 2011-08-24 at 16:29
Ok, I probably need to figure out how to install correctly then. Android is completely new to me on that front. Do you have a pointer to an install tutorial for android and your package files?
This is some really interesting stuff you’ve put together BTW, It has the potential to make Android much more popular in our office at least.
The GPS tracking would be the real biggie wishlist item though.
marco · 2011-08-24 at 17:02
what device do you use? which android version? to install you should only need to open the apk file and it should all work. where do you have problems?
Maurizio Marrese · 2011-08-24 at 18:31
No error. fast loading. I noticed improvements. text in a square, because of this it is impossible to understand and shape files to load. I will test. (s2 samsung galaxy, Android 2.3.3)
you’re great. thanks a lot.
Elijah Meeks · 2011-08-24 at 19:16
When you try to add a PostGIS vector layer, there is no Type value available to select PostGIS. There’s also no blue cylinder “add PostGIS” button, either. I know you’re done, but if you get a chance to get that up and running, it would be incredibly useful.
marco · 2011-08-24 at 22:22
Hi, don’t worrz I’m not dropping the project, it is my pet and I’ll keep on working on it. there will be a slow down for 2 months now, I finally got my MSc degree and I’m going on a trip but starting from november i’ll be full on it again.
Blammo · 2011-08-31 at 21:48
working through some tests and found that the “Add WMS Layer” tool is throwing an error for me on a Toshiba Thrive. I get a “cannot get WMS select dialog from provider” warning when trying to add a WMS layer.
Still checking things. . . . Really slick to see QGIS on Android!!
Scott · 2011-09-01 at 22:12
Can’t get a working link to the APK
marco · 2011-09-09 at 04:41
Have a look at the install file, the file is here:
Martin · 2011-09-15 at 14:50
thank you, this is great news!
But having problems with installation on Google Nexus S, with Android 2.3.4
When tapping on the .apk Errormessage occures (German):
Beim Parsen des Paketes ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.”
(~Parsingerror. Error occured while parsing the package.)
Best regards
marco · 2011-09-16 at 07:18
try redownloading the file…
ciao Marco
fph · 2011-09-17 at 00:54
dear marco,
wonderful job ! the interface is quite responsive and wfs works very well, even with quite heavy layers. I also get the “cannot get wms dialog from provider” error. tested on honeycomb 3.2 asus tf101.
hope you have a nice trip
QFieldCloud now opensource – Happy 10 Years of field mapping with QGIS – · 2022-03-05 at 01:49
[…] […]
How we build QField for many platforms – A look behind the curtain – · 2022-09-20 at 07:48
[…] Marco Bernasocchi started working on QGIS for Android in Google Summer of Code a decade ago, the main job was to also build all QGIS dependencies for Android. This includes […] blog: How we build QField for many platforms – A look behind the curtain – Portale dei Servizi Cartografici · 2022-10-14 at 04:16
[…] Marco Bernasocchi (CEO of and chair of started working on QGIS for Android in G… a decade ago, the main job was to also build all QGIS dependencies for Android. This includes […]