We love discussing requirements and create visionary solutions to problems. We always strive to develop, deploy and maintain solutions that offer exceptional value for our customers.
Matthias Kuhn, CTO

Model | Store
postGIS | Geopackage
Solid and resilient geodata infrastructures require a well-designed data model and a solid infrastructure.
Either you need a single centralised DB for storing and analysing all your data or a scalable and replicated DB cluster, we’ve done that before and are here to help you make the best decisions and set up the best infrastructure to suit your needs.
For simpler, file-based solutions, we also have extensive experience in with GeoPackages.

Collect | Sync
QField | qfieldcloud
Accurate geospatial intelligence in the field is critical to making decisions just in time.
Being able to validate data and report back corrections guarantees a complete life cycle for high quality and reliable information.
Be it real-time in an urban area with 4G connectivity or in remote spaces using offline data, thanks to its seamless integration with QGIS, QField allows you to efficiently work on the field.
QField is an open source app developed by OPENGIS.ch.

Analyse | Manage
qgis | Postgis
We are proud to have several core developers as well as the co-chair of QGIS in-house and of being one of the most active companies in QGIS development
QGIS supports professional mapping visualisation, analysis and data processing functionality, data entry tools and for anything else an extremely powerful python API for plugins. QGIS supports virtually any database and file format in use. Enterprise level organizations trust QGIS for its stability, powerfulness and customisability as well as for the possibility to install it on every machine without thinking about license costs.

Visualise | Publish
Django | flask | python
Beautiful and easy to use WebGIS as well as visually stunning web applications are key to a great user experience, we work with the best frameworks to achieve the best possible results.

Modern geodata infrastructures require interfaces that allow connecting different datasets and exchange knowledge easily, quickly and accessibly.
The Swiss geodata ecosystem is built around Interlis as a standard for data exchange.
Tools like ili2db and QGIS model baker ensure compatibility with Interlis and at the same time reduce the effort to integrate a geodata infrastructure with the Swiss standard to a minimum.
OPENGIS.ch participates in the development of the ili2db suite, develops the QGIS model baker and has implemented various interfaces to internal and external systems.

Docker | ci | cd
Cloud native technologies empower organizations to build and run scalable applications in modern, dynamic environments such as public, private, and hybrid clouds.
Containers, service meshes, microservices, immutable infrastructure, and declarative APIs exemplify this approach.
These techniques enable loosely coupled systems that are resilient, manageable, and observable. Combined with robust automation, they allow engineers to make high-impact changes frequently and predictably with minimal toil.
Let’s discuss and find the optimal solution for your needs.