QGIS on Android

Hi all, it is a pleasure to announce that I finally got Quantum GIS to start on an android (3.2) tablet (Asus transformer). I tested as well on a Samsung Galaxy phone with cyanogen mod 7 RC1 and it works a well (with the obvious screen size limitations). Qgis still Read more…

QGIS Globe runs on Win

I just set up a win xp virtual box (remember to enable 3D acceleration) and to test out globe on windows. here what I did: Get OSGeo4W installer and run it Choose advanced install Select qgis-dev, osgearth-bin, osg-bin from the desktop packages Select osgeart-dev, osg-dev from libs Run Open Qgis, Read more…

Globe is in QGIS Trunk

Last night Pirmin committed our Globe plugin to the QGIS trunk. this means that getting the needed dependencies (see below), building QGIS with -DWITH_GLOBE=ON and activating the plugin its all it takes to get a super globe running on QGIS. Dependencies: sudo apt-get install osgearth osgearth-dev openscenegraph (should be enough) Read more…

QGIS Globe runs in Trunk

Thanks to Marco Hugentobler’s idea of using Mutex, QGIS Globe now runs in Trunk, i just created a dev branch at https://github.com/mbernasocchi/Quantum-GIS/tree/mutex-globe and updated the installer script at https://www.opengis.ch/2010/12/01/qgis-globe-plugin-installer-script/ (I haven’t tried it yet but it should work) Cheers Marco

QGIS Anwendertag, 6.5., HSR Rapperswil

Am Freitag dem 6. Mai, findet an der Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil das 2. deutschsprachige QGIS Anwendertreffen statt. Quantum GIS (oder kurz QGIS) ist ein benutzerfreundliches Open Source Desktop- und Server-GIS welches sich einer stark wachsenden Anwendergruppe erfreut. Sie finden Infos zu QGIS unter www.qgis.org Nach dem erfolgreichen ersten deutschsprachigen Read more…