Back from FOSS4G 2019

It’s been almost 2 weeks since FOSS4G 2019 has crossed the finishing line. And it was a truly inspiring event with many participants from all cultures and interests. We do not need to repeat that the local organizers did a great job. That we had an awesome night in a truly impressive parliament building. That there have been so many wonderful people with brilliant ideas.And also that there were too many good presentations in parallel Read more…

Silver Sponsoring FOSS4G 2019

At we live and love open source.That is why we are extremely excited to announce that we are supporting FOSS4G 2019, 26 to 30 August in Bucharest. By supporting FOSS4G 2019 we hope to help the conference be an even bigger success and help more people discovering all the opensource geo-awesomeness out there! Come see us at our booth for plenty of news regarding QField and our brand new QGIS sustainability initiative that comes Read more…

QGIS on the road Bellinzona

Raccontando la storia della signora Maya Mielina, analista GIS in pensione e apicoltrice per passione, gli esperti di vi presenteranno funzionalità che forse nemmeno immaginavate esistessero in QGIS e che vi permetteranno di aumentare drasticamente la vostra efficacia.

QGIS on the road live

We are extremely pleased to announce the QGIS on the road tour with three free events this spring all over Switzerland. Limited places available so act fast reserve your place for the location you want. Bern 24.09.19 13:40 (event held in German) Lucerne 22.10.19 13:40 (event held in German) Bellinzona 14.05.19 14:10 (event held in Italian) Zürich 21.05.19 13:40 (event held in German) Lausanne 28.05.19 13:40 (event held in French) Telling the story of Ms Read more…

QField 1.0 é qui

Andiamo dritti al punto È ufficiale, QField per QGIS 1.0 è stato rilasciato! Scaricalo subito dal Playstore ( o da GitHub Siamo incredibilmente soddisfatti e orgogliosi di aver appena rilasciato un tale gioiello e siamo convinti che, grazie a tutte le sue caratteristiche e a scelte progettuali consapevoli, QField renderà il vostro lavoro di digitalizzazione sul campo molto più efficiente e piacevole. Ricco di molte funzionalità utili come la digitalizzazione online e offline, la modifica Read more…

Win a QField jump-start package, use #MyQField

Do you want to win a QField jump-start package worth 550€? We are launching the #MyQField challenge. Follow us on Twitter and show us how you use @QFieldForQGIS by tagging your tweets with #MyQField and #dataisoutside. The tweet with most likes and retweets by 24.4.19 wins the training! Rules You need to follow @OPENGISch and @QFieldForQGIS Likes count single, retweet count double You can participate multiple times We will count on 24.4.19 at 20:00 CET Read more…

Plugin for tracking QGIS project files in git

We often have QGIS project files that are part of a customer project. To be able to manage versions of these project files or have multiple people working on it, they are managed inside a git repository. This is however not easy, because with every save of a project file, thousands of lines change, even if the real change is minimal. Like a change of a layer name. This blows up the git repository for Read more…

GeoBeer #26 in Bern hosted by

Last Thursday around half past six in the evening. Striking many Geo-scientist found the way to the Spitalgasse in Bern. The reason was the 26th GeoBeer event taking place at ImpactHub.GeoBeer is a quarterly meeting of people interested in geography, GIS, cartography and the latest technologies. It’s hosted every time by someone else. This time by us, Right after the arriving, the organizers of GeoBeer Switzerland showed us some funny statistics about the GeoBeer Read more…

QField RC5 – Last call for testing

We are really happy to announce the fifth and (hopefully) last 1.0 release candidate in QField’s history! This means that QField 1.0 is closer than ever. Get it while it’s hot on the Playstore ( or on GitHub Thanks to all the feedback by the fantastic community we were able to fix plenty of bugs, address performance issues and even add some super cool new features. Among the new features, the most important is the Read more…

You gave us feedback – we give you QField 1.0 RC3

We are really happy to announce the release a new great milestone in QField’s history, QField 1.0 Release Candidate 3! (Yes, you might have got a glimpse of the broken RC2 if you where very attentive) Thanks to the great feedback we received since releasing RC1 we were able to fix plenty of issues and add some more goodies. We would like to invite everybody to install this Release Candidate and help us test it Read more…