and Oslandia: A Strategic Partnership to Advance QField and QFieldCloud

We are extremely happy to announce that we have partnered strategically with Oslandia to push the leading #fieldwork app #QField even further. In the world of fieldwork, accuracy and efficiency are paramount. As GIS specialists, we understand the importance of reliable tools that streamline data collection and analysis processes. That’s why we are thrilled to join forces with Oslandia, a company that shares our passion for open-source development and innovation. Embracing Open Source Development At Read more…

Analyzing and visualizing large-scale fire events using QGIS processing with ST-DBSCAN

A while back, one of our ninjas added a new algorithm in QGIS’ processing toolbox named ST-DBSCAN Clustering, short for spatio temporal density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise. The algorithm regroups features falling within a user-defined maximum distance and time duration values. This post will walk you through one practical use for the algorithm: large-scale fire event analysis and visualization through remote-sensed fire detection. More specifically, we will be looking into one of the Read more…

QField background tracking

Years ago, the QField community and its users showed their love for their favourite field app by supporting a successful crowdfunding to improve camera handling. Since then, has continued to lead the development of QField with the regular support of sponsors. We couldn’t be prouder of the progress we have made, with plenty of new features added in every major release. This includes major improvements to positioning including location tracking, integration of external GNSS Read more…

Unterstützung für WMTS im QGIS Swiss Locator

Das QGIS swiss locator Plugin erleichtert in der Schweiz vielen Anwendern das Leben dadurch, dass es die umfangreichen Geodaten von swisstopo und zugänglich macht. Darunter ein breites Angebot an GIS Layern, aber auch Objektinformationen und eine Ortsnamensuche. Dank eines Förderprojektes der Anwendergruppe Schweiz durfte ihr Plugin um eine zusätzliche Funktionalität erweitern. Dieses Mal mit der Integration von WMTS als Datenquelle, eine ziemlich coole Sache. Doch was ist eigentlich der Unterschied zwischen WMS und Read more…

QField 2.8: Boosting field work through external sensors

The latest version of QField is out, featuring as its main new feature sensor handling alongside the usual round of user experience and stability improvements. We simply can’t wait to see the sensor uses you will come up with! The main highlight: sensors QField 2.8 ships with out-of-the-box handling of external sensor streams over TCP, UDP, and serial port. The functionality allows for data captured through instruments – such as geiger counter, decibel sensor, CO Read more…

Capturing more while in the field with the new QField 2.7

A brand new version of QField has been released, packed with features that will make you fall in love with this essential open source tool all over again with a focus on capturing more while you are in the field. QField 2.7 nicknamed “Heroic Hedgehog” also includes a number of worthy fixes making it a crucial update to get. New recording capabilities The highlight of QField 2.7 is the new audio and video recording capability Read more…

QGIS Basic

Beschreibung Nach Abschluss des Kurses kennen die Teilnehmer die wichtigsten Funktionen von Open Source GIS QGIS Desktop, können Daten importieren, analysieren, eine Karte mit professionellem Layout erstellen sowie Objekte mit Attributen und Vektorgeometrien erfassen. Der Kurs dauert 2 Tage (9:00 – 17:00 Uhr) und kostet 1190 CHF pro Person. Dieser Preis beinhaltet die Anmeldung, die Schulungsunterlagen, die offizielle Zertifizierung und zwei Mahlzeiten. Es werden keine Computer zur Verfügung gestellt, die Teilnehmer bringen ihren eigenen mit. Read more…

QField Jump-start

You want to start collecting field data but never worked with a GIS before? You are a passionate QGIS user and would like a jump start your fieldwork setup? You are a senior GIS manager and would like to optimize your teams’ mobile data collection efficiency? Let us you introduce the QField jump-start packages During a half day or full day private support session, our QFields experts will help you get started with your project Read more…

QGIS Model Baker

Nach Abschluss des Kurses kennen die Teilnehmer:innen alle Funktionen vom QGIS Model Baker und können INTERLIS Modelle in der Datenbank abbilden und Transferdateien importieren und exportieren. Ausserdem wird eine Einführung ins Handling mit Behälter und Datasets gegeben und der Live Validator vorgestellt.