GSoC 2011 – I'm in

Guess what appeared inmy inbox at 20.59 today!? Dear Marco, Congratulations! Your proposal “QGIS Mobile” as submitted to “OSGeo – Open Source Geospatial Foundation” has been accepted for Google Summer of Code 2011. Over the next few days, we will add you to the private Google Summer of Code Student Discussion List. Over the next few weeks, we will send instructions to this list regarding turn in proof of enrollment, tax forms, etc. Now that Read more…

QGIS Anwendertag, 6.5., HSR Rapperswil

Am Freitag dem 6. Mai, findet an der Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil das 2. deutschsprachige QGIS Anwendertreffen statt. Quantum GIS (oder kurz QGIS) ist ein benutzerfreundliches Open Source Desktop- und Server-GIS welches sich einer stark wachsenden Anwendergruppe erfreut. Sie finden Infos zu QGIS unter Nach dem erfolgreichen ersten deutschsprachigen QGIS Anwendertreffen am 21.4.2010 in Bern findet das zweite deutschsprachige QGIS-Anwendertreffen an der HSR in Rapperswil statt. Alle aktuellen Infos zur Veranstaltung, wie auch zur Read more…

QGis plugins: Multiview and ScattergramIdentify

hi All, If you deal with multivariate, multitemporal and cyclic raster data you might find interesting my multiview plugin. See screenshot of what can be done in terms of different visualizations below. The code still has some minor glitches but it is very well usable (and stable). As well here there is an improved version of scattergramm plugin that allows you to select points (or clusters on the scattergramm and have them plotted on your Read more…

PyQT signals with arguments

so , here a snippet on how to use the different types of signals in PyQt: connect a signal from C++ QObject.connect(self.sender, SIGNAL(“signalName( Arg1TYPE, Arg2TYPE )”), self.slot) connect a signal from Python QObject.connect(self.sender, SIGNAL(“signalName” ), self.slot ) emit a signal in Python self.emit( SIGNAL( “signalName” ), arg1, arg2 ) emit a signal in c++ emit signalName( arg1, arg2 ); more:

QGis Globe Plugin installer script

Lately, thanks to ma Master Thesis, I’ve been co-working on the Globe Plugin for QGis here my install script for a threaded version of QGis with the Globe Plugin. By now the Globe has stereo 3D support, keyboard navigation (try all the num key), mouse navigation, a gui to control the globe and datasets can be inported configuring the .earth file. Today I’ll start implementing a dialog to add data without the need of the Read more…

Ubuntu 10.10 maverick meerkat on eeepc 1005 HA

WOW, today I realized that Ubuntu 10.10 maverick meerkat was out and that I missed it by couple of days… bad me!!! (btw you have to select “normal updates” instead of “long term release” in your update manager’s settings). After the update my little eeepc lookt great, and everything worked out of the box without installing a tray control (including wifi, webcam, sound, hotkeys, performance modes, ecc)!!! Great Job guys and the new unity theme Read more…