New Website Online

So, after a very succesful rainy weekend the long-standing project of a new website is finally reality. Thanks to this project I had the chance to check out with no client constrains what was out there to allow me doing what I wanted. After an in-depth review I decided to use WordPress with the customized Shell-lite theme and some plugins. Now, to the why, well I really love the way WordPress has evolved from a Read more…

Support QGIS for Android

Since September 2011, as a result of my Google Summer of Code QGIS mobile project, QGIS is available for Android. As the maintainer and main developer behind QGIS for android I’m striving to improve it as much as possible. All my work is done in voluntary base, so if you can, consider supporting the development by using the donate button on the right. Another great way of helping developing QGIS for android is sponsoring the Read more…

QGIS @ 4200m

One of the nice things of being freelance it that you can work on Sundays when the weather is horrible and get out on Tuesdays when it rocks 😉 . So Tuesday I decided to go test QGIS at high altitude and went to the Breithorn and the Pollux with my best friend for a nice winter end tour. At the summit of Breithorn I took out my Galaxy, started QGIS and opened my basic project, turned on GPS Read more…

QGIS on Android using external GPS receivers

Thanks to FORNAT AG which sponsored me I could spend some time looking for solutions to make QGIS on android working with an external GPS receiver that sends NMEA strings. It all boils down to the following: via bluetooth works via USB not yet (as soon as I get more sponsoring or time I’ll look more into it since I’ve some ideas). To use an external bluetooth GPS you have to follow six easy steps: Read more…

QGIS on Android Phone

At FOSSGIS I was asked to try to install qgis on a very small android phone, I think it was a 3.2″ screen. the install went smoothly after making some space but then the problems came because of the small screen. Eventually I thought about setting a smaller font size to make the UI scale more, the problem was that it was impossible to get to the size setting because the UI was to big. Read more…

QGIS for android alpha 7

7, my luck number… So here you are, the latest and greatest QGIS for Android. This release includes the super new pinch zoom tool, should have no blocking dialogs anymore (i fixed the attribute table) and the help->about shows now from which commit the package has been created. The packages containing armeabi and armeabi-v7a code are still less stable that the armeabi only packages (the ones with the -armeabi suffix) which are still the preferred. Read more…

QGIS for android gets Pinch zooming

Well, it is a super winter and there is a lot of snow here in Switzerland and all this makes me super happy which means that my productivity increases… here you are, the last and greatest improvement for QGIS on android: a fancy zooming map tool like you know from other applications like google maps. The tool allows for: panning pinch zooming double tap zoom in with Center twofinger tap zoom out Furthermore I added Read more…

QGIS for android alpha 6

Hi all, release time again… happens that just couple of hours after i pushed alpha5, the necessitas framework received a new update [1] that addresses some important issues. Meanwhile I managed to compile GEOS and GDAL with armeabi-v7a optimizations [1]