SpaceMouse in Ubuntu 15.04
While preparing some 3D scenes for an exibition I discovered the SpaceMouse by 3dconnexion. A neat device we plan on installing in front of a projected globe. To get it to run in Ubuntu first get the drivers from then sudo apt-get install libmotif3 mkdir -p /tmp/3D3dxware-linux cd /tmp/3D3dxware-linux cp ~/Downloads/3dxware-linux-v1-8-0.x86_64.tar.gz /tmp/3D3dxware-linux tar -xf 3dxware-linux-v1-8-0.x86_64.tar.gz sudo ./ answer yes, 4, yes. That’s it, you might get an error saying: “Red Hat EL 7 currently Read more…