Updating PyQt signals that use lambda in QGIS with 2to3

Just for the sake of documenting things, when running qgis 2to3 on a plugin I encountered a tricky situation regarding signals. MYQGISDIR/scripts/2to3 -f signals -w my/plugin/path The original code: extra_arg = “my test argument” QObject.connect( action, SIGNAL( “triggered()”), lambda extra_arg=my_arg: show_extra_arg(extra_arg)) def do_load_project(extra_arg): print extra_arg # “my test argument” The generated code: extra_arg = “test_arg” action.triggered.connect( lambda extra_arg=my_arg: show_extra_arg(extra_arg)) def do_load_project(extra_arg): print extra_arg # False so in do_load_project we get False instead of “my test Read more…

QGIS: Qt5 and Python3 migration, current state

Behind the scenes a lot has happened to get ready for Qt5 and Python3. On the same codebase that is becoming the next release QGIS 2.16. This is really a great thing since we can focus work on a single master branch and I’m very happy that we got so far with this approach already. Testing At OPENGIS.ch we have put a huge effort into getting the Travis CI test infrastructure to test our code with Qt5 Read more…

Prepare your plugins for QGIS 3

QGIS 3 is not yet there and there is still plenty of time to prepare and migrate. But I thought I would give some advice about things that you can keep in mind while working on your plugins to make your life easier when you will have to actually do the migration. It’s mostly about making your code prepared for Python 3 and PyQt5. Do not use star imports Don’t do from PyQt4.QtCore import * Read more…

Increasing the stability of processing algorithms

Processing just got a new testing framework to improve the long-term stability of this important plugin. And you can help to improve it, even if you are not a software developer! This is yet another piece in our never-stopping crusade to improve the stability and quality of the best desktop GIS on the market. Processing You probably know processing. If you don’t: processing is the number one plugin to enable after every QGIS installation. It offers a Read more…

QField Documentation

After getting QField up and running in Android 5, we felt it was time to start documenting how QField works, we started documenting how to install and use QField. We also added a section on how to handle your data to get them on QField. It is all pretty basic, but it dose give some hints. You can find the documentation here: https://qfield.org/docs/ As QField’s source code the docs are opensourced (on github) and we look Read more…

Passing android Intents to Qt

Working on QField I had the necessity of passing values from the QtActivity.java to the Qt cpp world, here how I did it using an Intent that is sent to the QtActivity (the one you should not edit that comes with Qt). For much more information see this post series. hopefully this will be helpful to someone. private void startQtActivity() { String dotqgis2_dir = “Test dotqgis2_dir”; String share_dir = “Test share_dir”; // forward to startQtActivity and Read more…