QField in the wild

QField Experimental is out, after a couple of months of requirements gathering, private early alpha testing and foremost tons of emails requesting access to the testes group we decided today to put the current BETA version in the playstore. This means that from now on you can install QField just like any other android app by using the playstore.

QField app on Google Play

A star is born, QGIS mobile is now QField

It is with great pleasure that we want to announce the new name for what was briefly known as QGIS mobile. Please welcome QField for QGIS™!
QField is an Open Source field data capture and management app fully compatible with QGIS™ which allows you to take your QGIS projects out of the office for effective field work while maintaining QGIS’ styling and edit widgets QField for great preparation time.
QField will be released for free on the Playstore with the possibility of donating to the project via paypal (preferred) or by buying the QField for QGIS Karma edition app.

QGIS Mobile 0.2 Demo

It is with great pleasure the we want to share with you the demo video of version 0.2. of QGIS Mobile (temporary name) is a touch optimized interface for field work developed by OPENGIS.ch.
The QGIS mobile 0.2 video demonstrates some basic functionality like navigation, feature identification and attribute editing.
The QField 0.2 video demonstrates some basic functionality like navigation, feature identification and attribute editing.

QGIS 2.0 nightly features review

The last few weeks have been super exciting and intense in terms of QGIS development. I’ve been working a lot and sleeping little to get the latest and greatest stuff to you in the nightly packages.
Beside the whole UI and stability work, the nicest feature is probably the mbtiles support. mbtiles are raster tiles in a sqlite database and are blazing fast, have a look at it in the video below.