Severe weather damages A13 Buffalora June2024 Swisstopo Rappid Mapping

Rapid Mapping delle catastrofi naturali in Ticino con QField Rapid Mapper

QField Rapid Mapper è un progetto per l’app mobile QField che consente a soccorritori, protezione civile, militari e cittadini di valutare e segnalare i danni causati da catastrofi naturali condividendo rapidamente immagini, video e audio geolocalizzati. QField Rapid Mapper offre raccolta dati in tempo reale, mappatura e condivisione per migliorare la risposta e il coordinamento durante i disastri.

QField e QFieldCloud sono open-source, e sta donando l’infrastruttura QFieldCloud necessaria e l’expertise per aiutare a mappare le inondazioni in Ticino nel 2024.

­ NEWSLETTER – Dive into our Company’s Latest Geo-Innovations & Projects!

It’s an exciting year for our company, and we are thrilled to share some amazing updates and a special announcement with you today. Our passion for GIS, coupled with collaboration with outstanding clients and partners, has inspired continual exploration of new frontiers.  Discover how we’re shaping the future of geoinformation systems and expanding open-source Read more…

QField background tracking

Years ago, the QField community and its users showed their love for their favourite field app by supporting a successful crowdfunding to improve camera handling. Since then, has continued to lead the development of QField with the regular support of sponsors. We couldn’t be prouder of the progress we Read more…

QGIS Basic

Beschreibung Nach Abschluss des Kurses kennen die Teilnehmer die wichtigsten Funktionen von Open Source GIS QGIS Desktop, können Daten importieren, analysieren, eine Karte mit professionellem Layout erstellen sowie Objekte mit Attributen und Vektorgeometrien erfassen. Der Kurs dauert 2 Tage (9:00 – 17:00 Uhr) und kostet 1190 CHF pro Person. Dieser Read more…

QField Jump-start

You want to start collecting field data but never worked with a GIS before? You are a passionate QGIS user and would like a jump start your fieldwork setup? You are a senior GIS manager and would like to optimize your teams’ mobile data collection efficiency? Let us you introduce Read more…

QGIS Model Baker

Nach Abschluss des Kurses kennen die Teilnehmer:innen alle Funktionen vom QGIS Model Baker und können INTERLIS Modelle in der Datenbank abbilden und Transferdateien importieren und exportieren. Ausserdem wird eine Einführung ins Handling mit Behälter und Datasets gegeben und der Live Validator vorgestellt.