GSoC 2011 weekly report #9
This week I managed to cross compile qgis and started working on packaging it. See the previous post for more details.
This week I managed to cross compile qgis and started working on packaging it. See the previous post for more details.
Finally I managed to cross compile qgis using a NDK r5c standalone toolchain. Currently the scripts to produce the binaries require the necessitas qt source to be present on the host since QtUiTools need to be compiled as well. This should be only until QtUitools is included in necessitas (maybe Read more…
This week I fought against libiconv and spatialite that did not want to properly crosscompile. Due to time pressure I decided to temporarly work on it and moved on compiling qgis. I get to the linking part of the process where I get many errors. I m now looking into Read more…
Last night Pirmin committed our Globe plugin to the QGIS trunk. this means that getting the needed dependencies (see below), building QGIS with -DWITH_GLOBE=ON and activating the plugin its all it takes to get a super globe running on QGIS. Dependencies: sudo apt-get install osgearth osgearth-dev openscenegraph (should be enough) Read more…
Thanks to Marco Hugentobler’s idea of using Mutex, QGIS Globe now runs in Trunk, i just created a dev branch at and updated the installer script at (I haven’t tried it yet but it should work) Cheers Marco
Guess what appeared inmy inbox at 20.59 today!? Dear Marco, Congratulations! Your proposal « QGIS Mobile » as submitted to « OSGeo – Open Source Geospatial Foundation » has been accepted for Google Summer of Code 2011. Over the next few days, we will add you to the private Google Summer of Code Student Read more…
Am Freitag dem 6. Mai, findet an der Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil das 2. deutschsprachige QGIS Anwendertreffen statt. Quantum GIS (oder kurz QGIS) ist ein benutzerfreundliches Open Source Desktop- und Server-GIS welches sich einer stark wachsenden Anwendergruppe erfreut. Sie finden Infos zu QGIS unter Nach dem erfolgreichen ersten deutschsprachigen Read more…
Today I published my first QGis Python plugin. It does allow to configure a list of available plugins actions to execute in one click. It is published in pyqgis contributed repository and the source is developed on My GitHub Cheers Marco
Lately, thanks to ma Master Thesis, I’ve been co-working on the Globe Plugin for QGis here my install script for a threaded version of QGis with the Globe Plugin. By now the Globe has stereo 3D support, keyboard navigation (try all the num key), mouse navigation, a gui to control Read more…