QField Jump-start

You want to start collecting field data but never worked with a GIS before? You are a passionate QGIS user and would like a jump start your fieldwork setup? You are a senior GIS manager and would like to optimize your teams’ mobile data collection efficiency? Let us you introduce Read more…

QGIS Model Baker

A l’issue du cours, les participants connaissent toutes les fonctions de QGIS Model Baker, peuvent représenter des modèles INTERLIS dans la base de données et importer et exporter des fichiers de transfert. En outre, une introduction au maniement des conteneurs et des jeux de données est donnée et le Live Validator est présenté.

New QGIS Courses dates Spring 2023

We published our new dates for this springs QGIS online courses. French: Cours_de_base, Lausanne 05.04./26.04.2023 Cours_avancé, Lausanne 28.04./03.05.2023 The courses last two days (9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.) and cost 990 CHF per person. As in our in-person courses, we limit our instructor to participant ratio to a maximum of Read more…

QField 2.6: perfecting high-accuracy positioning

It’s only been a few weeks into the new year, but we’ve got great news for you: a brand new QField 2.6 “Geeky Gecko ?” has been released with a focus on positioning improvements, including Bluetooth support for Windows. And with that, we are delighted to remove the ‘beta’ status from QField for Windows.