QField git history

QFieldCloud now opensource – Happy 10 Years of field mapping with QGIS

Today, on QField’s 10th anniversary, we’re extremely proud to publish the results of over 18 months of development and give you the source code of QFieldCloud to go and make your awesome adaptations, solutions, and hopefully contributions 🙂 If you want to quickly try it out, head to https://qfield.cloud where our hosted solution is running and secure yourself a spot in the beta program. QFieldCloud’s unique technology allows your team to focus on what’s important, making Read more…

Cours QGIS avancé, Online 11/18.05.2021

COURS COMPLET – Prochain cours en Septembre 2021 Le cours est sur 2 jours (9:00 – 17:00) via Google Meet (aucun compte google nécessaire) coûte 850 CHF par personne. Un enseignant pour un maximum de 6 personnes et 2 enseignants pour 7 à 12 personnes. Description A l’issue de ce cours, les participants seront capables de mettre en œuvre des projets complexes avec QGIS. Ils connaîtront les caractéristiques des divers formats de données tels que Read more…

Cours QGIS de base, Online 27/28.04.2021

COURS COMPLET – Prochain cours en Septembre 2021 Le cours est sur 2 jours (9:00 – 17:00) via Google Meet (aucun compte google nécessaire) et coûte 850 CHF par personne. Un enseignant pour un maximum de 6 personnes et 2 enseignants pour 7 à 12 personnes. Description À l’issue de ce cours, les participants connaîtront les principales fonctions de QGIS Desktop, logiciel open source SIG et seront capables d’importer et d’analyser des données, de créer Read more…

New QGIS Courses dates Spring 2021

We published our new dates for this springs QGIS online courses. German: QGIS Einsteigerkurs (12/13.04.2021) Fully Booked, next course Autumn 2021 QGIS Fortgeschrittene (27.04/04.05.2021) Fully Booked, next course Autumn 2021 French Cours de base (27/28.04.2021) Fully Booked, next course Autumn 2021 Cours avancé (11/18.05.2021) Fully Booked, next course Autumn 2021 Italian Corso di base (26/27.04.2021) Cancelled, next course Autumn 2021 Corso avanzato (10/17.05.2021) Cancelled, next course Autumn 2021 The courses last two days (9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.) via Google Read more…

QField 1.6 is out!

Editing multiple features at the same time, support for stylus pens, dynamic configuration of image names and much more.QField 1.6 Qinling 秦岭 comes packed with awesome new features and an improved user experience. We have been very busy over the last few months working on a new and shiny QField release. We have added many new features that increase efficiency on the field or allow for new workflows. In parallel, we have also been working Read more…

Generate DXF on QGIS server

Everyone knows QGIS is on the desktop and mobile devices. Many know QGIS is on the web with QGIS server through OGC services. Some know QGIS server has its own extension to generate PDFs. But did you know that QGIS server can also produce DXF files? DXF DXF files are mainly used for interchanging CAD drawings, vector geometries with styles and attributes. With a couple of compromises, these files can be imported and exported to Read more…

Offline WMS – Benchmarking raster formats for QField

What are we looking for? We would like to use WMS offline on QField. For that, we need to figure out what is the best way to get a raster from a WMS and which format is the most efficient (size and performance). In this post we’ll show you is how to generate the ideal raster file from a WMS and the results of our efficiency tests for the the different raster formats. WMS to Read more…