Cours QGIS de base Lausanne, 26.10/28.10.2022

Le cours est sur 2 jours (9:00 – 17:00) et coûte 990 CHF par personne (déjeuner et certificat inclus). Un enseignant pour un maximum de 6 personnes et 2 enseignants pour 7 à 12 personnes. Description À l’issue de ce cours, les participants connaîtront les principales fonctions de QGIS Desktop, logiciel open source SIG et seront capables d’importer et d’analyser des données, de créer une carte avec une mise en page professionnelle et de saisir Read more…

QGIS Einsteigerkurs Zürich, 27.10/03.11.2022

Der Kurs dauert 2 Tage (9:00 – 17:00 Uhr) und kostet 990 CHF pro Person (inkl. Mittagessen und Zertifikat). Ein Lehrer für maximal 6 Personen und 2 Lehrer für 7 bis 12 Personen. Beschreibung Nach Abschluss des Kurses kennen die Teilnehmer die wichtigsten Funktionen von Open Source GIS QGIS Desktop, können Daten importieren, analysieren, eine Karte mit professionellem Layout erstellen sowie Objekte mit Attributen und Vektorgeometrien erfassen. Programm 1. Teil Einführung Über das QGIS-Projekt Vorstellung Read more…

New QGIS Courses dates Autumn 2022

We published our new dates for this autumns QGIS online courses. German: QGIS_Einsteigerkurs, Zürich 27.10./03.11.2022, next course spring 2023 French: Cours_de_base, 26./28.10.2022 Lausanne, next course spring 2023 Italian: Corso_di_base, Bellinzona 19./26.10.2022, next course spring 2023 The courses last two days (9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.) and cost 990 CHF per person. As in our in-person courses, we limit our instructor to participant ratio to a maximum of 6 participants for one instructor and two instructors Read more…

Writing a feature-based processing algorithm at the example of M-value interpolation

Amongst all the processing algorithms already available in QGIS, sometimes the one thing you need is missing.  This happened not a long time ago, when we were asked to find a way to continuously visualise traffic on the Swiss motorway network (polylines) using frequently measured traffic volumes from discrete measurement stations (points) alongside the motorways. In order to keep working with the existing polylines, and be able to attribute more than one value of traffic Read more…

A New Trick up QField’s Sleeve: Animated Maps

Starting with QField 2.2, users can fully rely on animation capabilities that have made their way into QGIS during its last development cycle. This can be a powerful mean to highlight key elements on a map that require special user attention. The example below demonstrates a scenario where animated raster markers are used to highlight active fires within the visible map extent. Notice how the subtle fire animation helps draw viewers’ eyes to those important Read more…

High Efficiency with Buffered Transactional Editing in QGIS

Tired of start/stop editing for every single layer in your project with mixed data sources?Starting from version 3.26, QGIS has a new transaction mode called « Buffered Transaction Groups ». Within this mode, all layers which are not read-only are put in one « transaction group » and handled together when the actions « Toggle Editing » or « Save Layer Edits » are activated. It doesn’t matter if the layers come from different providers like GeoPackage, PostgreSQL or Shapefile. Edits are buffered Read more…