How to contribute to QField

QField is a community-driven open-source project. It is free to share, use and modify and it will stay like that. The very essence of a community is to help and support each other. And that’s where YOU come into play. To make it work we need your support! For those who don’t know much about the concept of open source projects, a bit of background. Investing in open-source projects is a technical and ethical decision Read more…

QGIS Relations, their Widgets and the Plugins of them

This blog post is about QGIS relations and how they are edited in the attribute form with widgets in general, as well as some plugins that override the relations editor widget to improve usability and solve specific use cases. The start is quite basic. If you are already a relation hero, then jump directly to the plugins. QGIS Relations in General Let’s have a look at a simple example data model. We have four entities: Read more…

Model Baker INTERLIS Data Validator

The fully integrated Data Validator, which allows validating your data directly in QGIS against their INTERLIS model, exists for almost a year now. After lots of user feedback and some investments, it’s now shinier than ever. Time for an update and a little step-by-step guide. Why is it so awesome? Using the Model Baker Data Validator has two major advantages. First, you do not need to export your data before you validate them. Thanks to Read more…

QField 2.5 is here, reaching new heights

Our ninjas have been so busy that less than a month after we released QField 2.4, we find ourselves with so many new features we simply can’t wait any longer to present to you the latest version of QField: 2.5 « Fancy Flamingo ?”. Exciting new features QField’s main new feature of this 2.5 release cycle is its brand new elevation profiling functionality which has been added to the measuring tool. Users are now able to Read more…

INTERLIS Crashkurs Webinar, 19.01.2023

Der Crashkurs dauert 2.5 Stunden (14:00 – 16:30 Uhr) via Google Meet (kein Google Konto erforderlich) und kostet 90 CHF pro Person. Beschreibung Ziel dieses Crashkurses ist es, « blutigen Anfänger:innen » INTERLIS näher zu bringen. Nach dem Crashkurs werden sie wissen, was INTERLIS ist, wie es angewendet wird und wie ein Modell gelesen wird und man sich darin zurechtfindet. Weiter werden sie fähig sein, ein einfaches Beispielmodell selbst zu modellieren. Vorkenntnisse Keine. Software Keine. Das Webinar Read more…

QGIS Model Baker Kurs Zürich, 26.01.2023

Der Kurs dauert einen Tag (9:00 – 17:00 Uhr) und kostet 560 CHF pro Person (inkl. Mittagessen und Kursbestätigung). Ein Lehrer für maximal 6 Personen und 2 Lehrer für 7 bis 12 Personen. Mindestteilnehmerzahl 6 Personen. Beschreibung Nach Abschluss des Kurses kennen die Teilnehmer:innen alle Funktionen vom QGIS Model Baker und können INTERLIS Modelle in der Datenbank abbilden und Transferdateien importieren und exportieren. Ausserdem wird eine Einführung ins Handling mit Behälter und Datasets gegeben und Read more…

QField 2.4 is here, and it is ?icious

Yes, QField for QGIS, the leading fieldwork app, was released on the iOS App Store! Get It now for Android, iOS, MacOS, Windows and Linux Good things take time (and sponsors), and we wanted our Apple users to enjoy the same solid and seamless experience as our Android users. So we took the time needed and ran beta testing of QField for multiple months. Thanks to all the community feedback and to the uncountable work Read more…

How we build QField for many platforms – A look behind the curtain

In the past year, the build system behind QField has been ported to vcpkg, a modern C++ dependency management system. It has been a great success for QField and considerably helped to streamline efforts, improve the development experience and to guarantee an outstanding stability of the application. In this blog post we will look at the history of building QGIS based applications for mobile systems and how it has become what it is today. When Read more…

Corso QGIS di base Bellinzona, 19.10/26.10.2022

Il corso dura 2 giorni (9:00 – 17:00) e costa 990 CHF a persona (compreso il pranzo e il certificato). Un insegnante per un massimo di 6 partecipanti e 2 insegnanti da 7 a 12 partecipanti. Descrizione Alla fine di questo corso, i partecipanti conosceranno le principali funzioni di QGIS Desktop (software GIS open source) e saranno in grado di importare e analizzare dati, creare una mappa con layout professionale ed inserire oggetti con attributi e Read more…