One of the nice things of being freelance it that you can work on Sundays when the weather is horrible and get out on Tuesdays when it rocks 😉 .
So Tuesday I decided to go test QGIS at high altitude and went to the Breithorn and the Pollux with my best friend for a nice winter end tour.
At the summit of Breithorn I took out my Galaxy, started QGIS and opened my basic project, turned on GPS and voilà… it all worked… even in high winds and -15°C 😉
Definitely time to get involved in using it and supporting its developement.
ciao Marco
Des lieux pollués en GeoPackage
Implémenter et modifier le modèle fédéral INTERLIS du cadastre des sites pollués KbS_V1_5 sans problème dans un GeoPackage ? Un rêve lointain pendant longtemps, mais désormais réalité. Avec Model Baker 7.10 et ili2db 5.2, vous Read more…
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