So, it is over, after 3 months working on QGIS for android as a Google Summer of code project it is now time to wrap up what I did and didn’t do.
First of all a QGIS android app exists now and it has many features including:
– reading/writing projects
– raster support
– spatialite support
– wms support
– (apparent – untested) wfs and postgress support
– partial shape files support (string attributes still chrash the app)
– Fully functional gui (SymbologyV2 doesnt work yet)
– (all?) core C++ plugins beside globe (any takers? 😉
Further more I created a series of build scripts that make it easier to set up a dev environement.
Unfortunately I didnt manage to implement live GPS tracking and a larger gui optimisation, but all in all I’m very happy with the results and seeing that few peoples are already testing it. Soon ill publish a video.
QField 3.5 “Fangorn”: Background tracking a reality!
Track positions in the background, even when your device is locked, for more efficient fieldwork. Enjoy seamless WebDAV folder integration, grid decorations, improved QFieldCloud downloads, and new plugin enhancements, that allow for example OpenStreetMap search integration or AI prompting. Big thanks to our sponsors—this release is a game-changer! 🚀