Geometry generator symbology

After getting QField up and running in Android 5, we felt it was time to start documenting how QField works, we started documenting how to install and use QField. We also added a section on how to handle your data to get them on QField. It is all pretty basic, Read more…
Working on QField I had the necessity of passing values from the to the Qt cpp world, here how I did it using an Intent that is sent to the QtActivity (the one you should not edit that comes with Qt). For much more information see this post series. hopefully Read more…
While preparing some 3D scenes for an exibition I discovered the SpaceMouse by 3dconnexion. A neat device we plan on installing in front of a projected globe. To get it to run in Ubuntu first get the drivers from then sudo apt-get install libmotif3 mkdir -p /tmp/3D3dxware-linux cd /tmp/3D3dxware-linux Read more…
Whenever you start QGIS you basically do it because? Right, because you need to do GIS work. Ah, how I love rhetorical questions to start a post. And most of the time one continues to work on a QGIS project which he has prepared before. For me 99% of the time, I Read more…
PyQGIS now supports a nice new addition for handling edit sessions in layers. This way, changes get committed automatically at the end of a successful (python) edit session.
with edit(layer): do your changes here()
Performance This project is all about performance of QGIS with a postgres/postgis database. A lot of people have QGIS connected to postgres/postgis (if you don’t: it’s a great combination in the open source geo stack). Databases are really optimized for querying. They keep indexes of geometries to be able to Read more…
QField Experimental is out, after a couple of months of requirements gathering, private early alpha testing and foremost tons of emails requesting access to the testes group we decided today to put the current BETA version in the playstore. This means that from now on you can install QField just like any other android app by using the playstore.