QGIS on Android gets GPS support

Lately I’ve been working on adding native GPS support to QGIS on Android, here is a short video showing how it works. A big thanks goes to the municipality of Schoten in Belgium which sponsored the development. This functionality is included in the latest nightly builds as of yesterday. GPS tracking on QGIS for android from Marco Bernasocchi on Vimeo.

QGIS on ANDROID talk at the Università degli Studi di Urbino

Yesterday, thanks to Prof. Mauro De Donatis who invited me, I held a 2h talk at the Università degli Studi di Urbino about QGIS and QGIS on Android. The talk was attended by around 50 students and staff from Computer science, Geology and Ambient sciences. I liked finally holding my first speech in Italian, although i felt more comfortable with English slides 😉 Here you can find the slides. Thanks a lot to Tim Sutton Read more…

Creating non-versioned shared libraries for android

While porting QGIS to android using necessitas I encountered the problem of versioned libs. Android does not support versioned libs and it is not going to. In the first vesions I used rpl -R -e libqgis_core.so.1.9.90 „libqgis_core.sox00x00x00x00x00x00x00“ $APK_LIBS_DIR and similar hacks to remove the version from the libs. But it was rather hacky. Then I found this post by Tom Russo where he mentioned how he changed his build process to force non versioned libs. I Read more…

Sharing internet connection

Today, for some bizarre reasons only my android phone was connecting to a WiFi. So I decided to use it as a tethered modem. The problem was that my friend Bruno could not use the net either, so since networkmanager ad-hoc networks were not working and it is our day off climbing we decided to keep our fingers trained on the keyboard. (mehr …)

GSoC 2011 final report

So, it is over, after 3 months working on QGIS for android as a Google Summer of code project it is now time to wrap up what I did and didn’t do. First of all a QGIS android app exists now and it has many features including: – reading/writing projects – raster support – spatialite support – wms support – (apparent – untested) wfs and postgress support – partial shape files support (string attributes still Read more…

QGIS Android works!

Just a quick screenshot to show that qgis on android is now a working reality. Tomorrow I’ll make a video and so on. The major missing thing now is reading shp files ad maybe spatialite… maybe tomorrow. Now it’s sunday 😉 Ciao test it now:

QGIS data providers and map canvas

After finishing with the gui(see previous post) i started testing the data providers.reading and writing shp files always ends in an app crash. Loading rasters, wms and gpx seems to work but the mapcanvas is never drawn. I have to investigate why. But probably it has to do with the draw used in qgis. The properties are there and get updated, but the canvasstays black. The same happens with decorations plugins like north arrow and Read more…

QGIS on android has complete gui and supports translations

Hi I just managed to create an apk with al the resources needed by qgis. On the first runrun the application extracts this file to the proper location a thus the gui is now complete. This means as well that translations and crs databases now work properly. The gui works nice beside some small glitches. It is usefull to go under settings->general->icon size and set it to 32. The only inconvenient at the moment is Read more…