QGIS data providers and map canvas

After finishing with the gui(see previous post) i started testing the data providers.reading and writing shp files always ends in an app crash. Loading rasters, wms and gpx seems to work but the mapcanvas is never drawn. I have to investigate why. But probably it has to do with the draw used in qgis. The properties are there and get updated, but the canvasstays black. The same happens with decorations plugins like north arrow and Read more…

QGIS on android has complete gui and supports translations

Hi I just managed to create an apk with al the resources needed by qgis. On the first runrun the application extracts this file to the proper location a thus the gui is now complete. This means as well that translations and crs databases now work properly. The gui works nice beside some small glitches. It is usefull to go under settings->general->icon size and set it to 32. The only inconvenient at the moment is Read more…

QGIS on Android has a proper GUI

Today I managed to get QGIS to load all the icons, providers and plugins. The GUI looks very good and quick, it is easy to use with the finger, beside the small arrows hiding multiple icons. Furthermore I discovered that customization works so that we could pre configure qgis to show bigger icons (as in Settings->Options->Icon size 32) and a subset of tool bars, all in all is cool how good it runs. To be Read more…

QGIS on Android

Hi all, it is a pleasure to announce that I finally got Quantum GIS to start on an android (3.2) tablet (Asus transformer). I tested as well on a Samsung Galaxy phone with cyanogen mod 7 RC1 and it works a well (with the obvious screen size limitations). Qgis still doesnt load many elements, but the gui is there and the rest should be only minor issues. I’ll post more as soon as i make Read more…

GSoC 2011 weekly report #11

This week Imanaged to get libqgisapp.so to build automatically if cmake is passed -DANDROID. as well I managed to implement all the JNI stuff that comes from necessitas. Apk file gets installed and the app tries to start but it silently fails after startQtApp is called succesfully. Logcat shows no message or anything. This week I’ll investigate this problem and hopefully get it all to run, this part was definitively tougher than planed.

GSoC 2011 weekly report #10

This week I finally managed to get a test Qt application packaged as an apk file. The application uses the native Proj lib to do some projections conversions. Basically it does the same as what qgis will do just with much more dependencies. The key problem was that necessitas wipes the libs directory when it generates a project and the native libs never get pushed to the device (bug report). As well, when they get Read more…

QGIS Globe runs on Win

I just set up a win xp virtual box (remember to enable 3D acceleration) and to test out globe on windows. here what I did: Get OSGeo4W installer and run it Choose advanced install Select qgis-dev, osgearth-bin, osg-bin from the desktop packages Select osgeart-dev, osg-dev from libs Run Open Qgis, activate the globe plugin in plugin manager, click on the globe button and post here your success stories 😉

QGIS cross compiles using android NDK

Finally I managed to cross compile qgis using a NDK r5c standalone toolchain. Currently the scripts to produce the binaries require the necessitas qt source to be present on the host since QtUiTools need to be compiled as well. This should be only until QtUitools is included in necessitas (maybe in the next release). For the moment only the basic library (gdal, geos, qwt, expat, gsl, sqlite and proj) are ported but they allow already Read more…

GSoC 2011 weekly report #8

This week I fought against libiconv and spatialite that did not want to properly crosscompile. Due to time pressure I decided to temporarly work on it and moved on compiling qgis. I get to the linking part of the process where I get many errors. I m now looking into them. Furthermore I refactored the scripts to be more solid and I did a major wiki update (added errors, added how to, cleanup,…). I m Read more…