QField (formerly known as QGIS Mobile) is a touch optimized interface for field work developed by OPENGIS.ch. It is with great pleasure the we want to share with you the demo video of version 0.2.
Since the project is going to be one of our core projects, we set up a dedicated page here.
The QGIS mobile 0.2 video demonstrates some basic functionality like navigation, feature identification and attribute editing.
The performance is affected by android’s video recording software. In reality animaitons look fluent and the interface feels snappy.
Demo performed on a Galaxy Note 8.0 with Android 4.4.4 (CM11).
QField 3.5 “Fangorn”: Background tracking a reality!
Track positions in the background, even when your device is locked, for more efficient fieldwork. Enjoy seamless WebDAV folder integration, grid decorations, improved QFieldCloud downloads, and new plugin enhancements, that allow for example OpenStreetMap search integration or AI prompting. Big thanks to our sponsors—this release is a game-changer! 🚀