One of the nice things of being freelance it that you can work on Sundays when the weather is horrible and get out on Tuesdays when it rocks 😉 .
So Tuesday I decided to go test QGIS at high altitude and went to the Breithorn and the Pollux with my best friend for a nice winter end tour.
At the summit of Breithorn I took out my Galaxy, started QGIS and opened my basic project, turned on GPS and voilà… it all worked… even in high winds and -15°C 😉
Definitely time to get involved in using it and supporting its developement.
ciao Marco
Belastete Standorte im GeoPackage
Das INTERLIS Bundesmodell des Kasters der belasteten Standorte KbS_V1_5 ohne Probleme in einem GeoPackage zu implementieren und zu bearbeiten? Lange nur ein ferner Traum, doch jetzt Realität. Mit Model Baker 7.10 und ili2db 5.2 kannst Read more…
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