This week I fought against libiconv and spatialite that did not want to properly crosscompile. Due to time pressure I decided to temporarly work on it and moved on compiling qgis. I get to the linking part of the process where I get many errors. I m now looking into them. Furthermore I refactored the scripts to be more solid and I did a major wiki update (added errors, added how to, cleanup,…). I m now a week late on my schedule and I Hope to finally get qgis to compile soon.
Ciao Marco
Belastete Standorte im GeoPackage
Das INTERLIS Bundesmodell des Kasters der belasteten Standorte KbS_V1_5 ohne Probleme in einem GeoPackage zu implementieren und zu bearbeiten? Lange nur ein ferner Traum, doch jetzt Realität. Mit Model Baker 7.10 und ili2db 5.2 kannst Read more…