Guess what appeared inmy inbox at 20.59 today!?
Dear Marco,
Congratulations! Your proposal “QGIS Mobile” as submitted to “OSGeo – Open Source Geospatial Foundation” has been accepted for Google Summer of Code 2011. Over the next few days, we will add you to the private Google Summer of Code Student Discussion List. Over the next few weeks, we will send instructions to this list regarding turn in proof of enrollment, tax forms, etc.
Now that you’ve been accepted, please take the opportunity to speak with your mentors about plans for the Community Bonding Period: what documentation should you be reading, what version control system will you need to set up, etc., before start of coding begins on May 23rd.
Welcome to Google Summer of Code 2011! We look forward to having you with us.
With best regards,
The Google Summer of Code Program Administration Team
🙂 I guess I know what i’ll be hitting my head on the next months 😉

1 Comment

QFieldCloud now opensource – Happy 10 Years of field mapping with QGIS – · 2021-06-08 at 08:01

[…] of field mapping in the QGIS world were pretty rough around the edges. It all started thanks to me being accepted in the Google Summer of Code 2011 programme with the “QGIS mobile” submission. In the […]

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